AI Pencil

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AI Pencil -

Ai Pencil is a mobile application that allows users to create stunning art with the help of state-of-the-art AI technology. The app provides powerful tools for sketching drawings and editing images, and it offers features such as ControlNet for powerful AI capabilities and Inpainting for image editing. With Ai Pencil, users can import and export their favorite drawings and transform their art into any medium or style.

The app has received positive reviews from users, with people appreciating the developer’s responsiveness to feature requests. Users have expressed their satisfaction with the app’s functionality and its ability to enhance their artistic skills. Additionally, the developer is committed to privacy and has provided a privacy policy that explains how data is handled within the app.

Ai Pencil is available on different platforms. For iOS devices, it requires iOS 16.0 or later for iPhone and iPad, and macOS 13.0 or later for Mac with Apple M1 chip or later. The app is also available on Google Play for Android devices.

In terms of data privacy, Ai Pencil may collect usage data and diagnostics to track user activity. This data is used to improve the app’s performance and provide a better user experience. However, the collected data is not linked to the user’s identity. It’s important to note that privacy practices may vary based on the features used or the user’s age.

Ai Pencil is a free app available for download and use. It falls under the category of Graphics & Design and has an age rating of 4+ on iOS and 9+ on Android, with additional content warnings for infrequent/mild cartoon or fantasy violence on iOS.

Overall, Ai Pencil provides users with a powerful tool for creating art, combining advanced AI technology with intuitive drawing and editing features. Whether you’re an experienced artist or just starting, Ai Pencil aims to enhance your artistic capabilities and unleash your creativity.